29 januari, the best memory that i save inside and deep in my mind. yaerhh..akhirnya jumpe jugak Nashrin zafri face to face. well.. his handsome, cute.. love to smile to all his fan..his voice so awesome! swear! hehe. from my sight his so perfect to be a singer.
oke cukp la bspeaking. hehe.. waaa! akhirnya da jumpe Nashrin! well..dekat2 too.. hehe.. tp sygnye xdapat dok btol2 depan stage! sbb nye sy juz hang out at A&W. mase sampai, artis2 xsampai ag. so kitaowg lepak la kat luar. tgok ada plak kete skuad ERA. so snap this pic.
waa..xsangka plak Nashrin lalu btol2 kat tepi..eh..skali pandang, btol ke ni nashrin..lagi sekali lalu, eh2! nashrin! laa..terlepas.. dye kene wat performance la.. ehmm.. so dapat dgar sore dye dari A&W jerk.. tp seriously, his voice so nice!
oke.. dye da selesai wat performance. cane lak nak mintak ambik gambar nie. eh aku tgok bro dua org too releks jerk minx ambik gambar. oke. sal tebalkan muka kau. nie mungkin first n last time kau tgok dye. aduhh..xleh..segan laa.. oke xpe la..kalo xdapat snap pic ngan dye pon, da tgok dye face to face. alaa..cane lak nak update lam blog nti kalo xda pic dye. hah! yes! dye da kuar. eh dye tgah jawab fon. nak g kacau ke. ah! xpeduli. pegi gak tebalkan muka. so sy wat isyarat nak take a pic with him. he smile n show me the sign to wait a moment. oh no! ramai pula yg dtg serbu! xpe2. yg penting aku ambik dlu! yeeaaa!! so dapat la snap pic nie!
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oke cukp la bspeaking. hehe.. waaa! akhirnya da jumpe Nashrin! well..dekat2 too.. hehe.. tp sygnye xdapat dok btol2 depan stage! sbb nye sy juz hang out at A&W. mase sampai, artis2 xsampai ag. so kitaowg lepak la kat luar. tgok ada plak kete skuad ERA. so snap this pic.
artis xsampai lg. posing ngan Kete Era da la.
da too masuk kt dlm. sampai2 pentas kosong lagi. tgok!
artis xsampai2 ag..tp da ada owg usya dari atas! korang xpenat ke tgu??
oke kat stage pon da start penoh.
sori. pic ni agk blur n jaoh.
chaya yg tlampau. Nashrin
oke. nampak cket je. so sad!:(
oke.. dye da selesai wat performance. cane lak nak mintak ambik gambar nie. eh aku tgok bro dua org too releks jerk minx ambik gambar. oke. sal tebalkan muka kau. nie mungkin first n last time kau tgok dye. aduhh..xleh..segan laa.. oke xpe la..kalo xdapat snap pic ngan dye pon, da tgok dye face to face. alaa..cane lak nak update lam blog nti kalo xda pic dye. hah! yes! dye da kuar. eh dye tgah jawab fon. nak g kacau ke. ah! xpeduli. pegi gak tebalkan muka. so sy wat isyarat nak take a pic with him. he smile n show me the sign to wait a moment. oh no! ramai pula yg dtg serbu! xpe2. yg penting aku ambik dlu! yeeaaa!! so dapat la snap pic nie!
tadaa! i got snap this pic! excited! so mke nmpak cyes.
hah! dapat da snap pic with Nashrin! so i decide nak pegi jalan2 dalam taiping sentral while wait 4 my family. ehh..i saw someone! Nashrin again! so i snap this pic!
so sweet la his smiling!
so dua kali la snap pic ngan dye. bpuas hati! dye pon xsombong n agak peramah. walupun xdapat sembang ngan dye sgt. just sempat say "thank You". tp mang sy bpuas ati. xlupe pada my hubby yg sgup teman sy ke sana! lepas too kitowg decide nak lepak dekat luar balik. haha! dapt la tgok sume artis balek.
Fiq mentor pon ada.
diowg packing brg.
oke. diowg da gerak. bye2!
so akhirnya impian nak jumpe artis yg paling sy minat tmakbul! bpuas ati sgt dgn ape yg sy dapat! tata. hoping Nashrin leh perform dekat taiping or ipoh next time! i'll be first!